Articles on: FAQ

Does X4T have partners?

Does X4T have partners?

X4T Partnerships


In the world of cryptocurrency trading, education is the key to safe and successful investing. At X4T, our foremost goal is to equip our clients with the tools and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions.

X4T and Binance: A Clarification

Questions have been raised regarding a partnership between X4T and Binance.

We wish to emphasize strongly that X4T is an independent hybrid cryptocurrency exchange operating on the Binance Smart Chain. We are not affiliated with Binance or any other trading platforms, investment projects, or entities. X4T does not maintain any partnerships or collaborations with external exchanges or projects.

We take the accuracy of information regarding our operations extremely seriously and will rigorously enforce our rights to protect our integrity and independence. Any misrepresentation or false claims about our affiliations will be met with strong legal action to safeguard our reputation and operational autonomy.

We prepared an overview of all our partners on our about page. Our services and processes are specifically tailored to meet our customers' needs with utmost care and integrity.

Our Values: Independence and Security

Independence and security are of utmost importance at X4T. We do not hold partnerships with other cryptocurrency exchanges or investment programs. Any claim of such a partnership would be misleading and not in line with our ethical business practices.

Investing with Caution

We encourage our customers to always be vigilant and to thoroughly inform themselves about any investment opportunities. As part of our commitment to support and protect our users, we have compiled a detailed article that highlights the features of known scams in the cryptocurrency world. This is part of our initiative to promote awareness and education about such fraudulent schemes. We invite you to read this article to expand your knowledge and make safe investments in cryptocurrencies.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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